Tag Archives: folk music

Live Looping Workshop with Jeff Miller

Sunday, October 16, 1:00 – 3:00 PM EST

Are you “looper curious?” Have you owned a looping pedal for years, but aren’t as comfortable with it as you’d like to be? Want to become a one-wo/man-band?

This workshop will cover everything from the basics — such as what types of loopers are available and what they can do — to more in-depth topics. Techniques such as undo/redo, fading, “stutter” recording, and parallel, serial and backwards looping will be covered. Practical applications of how to use a looping pedal tastefully and artistically will be discussed, as well as ways to practice, and even how to use a looper itself as a practice & songwriting tool.

This workshop is appropriate for all levels, even those who don’t own a looping pedal. If time permits, we may work in a one-to-one setting, so feel free to bring your pedal if you have one, as well as an instrument or microphone of your choice. For ages 14+.

We are following the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services guidelines for health and safety. Students are encouraged to wash hands upon arrival.

Studio E2 @ House of Musical Traditions
7010 Westmoreland Avenue
Takoma Park, MD 20912

“A total master of the loop/sampling pedal.” — Adrian Bischoff, KZSU

$50 Workshop

Introduction to Didgeridoo with Scott Morrison

Saturday, October 1, 5:00 – 7:00 PM EST

This workshop will introduce students to foundational techniques for playing the didgeridoo: barking, droning, tonguing, and more. We will also learn an introduction to circular breathing.

Participants are expected to have their own digeridoos.

We are following the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services guidelines for health and safety. Students are encouraged to wash hands upon arrival.

Studio E2 @ House of Musical Traditions
7010 Westmoreland Avenue
Takoma Park, MD 20912

$50 Workshop

Beginner + Intermediate Bodhrán with Scott Morrison

Saturdays, September 24, October 1, 8, 15

3:00 – 4:00 PM (Beginner)
4:00 – 5:00 PM (Intermediate)

This class for beginners + intermediate players will introduce students to the world of the bodhrán. Students will learn to play reels and jigs, as well as how to take care of the instrument. Students will also learn basic patterns and techniques and apply them to real-time sessions, playing all types of Celtic music. Scott’s extensive expertise in Scottish and Irish culture shines through in the larger historical context he provides alongside instrumental instruction.

Participants are expected to have their own drums and tippers.

We are following the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services guidelines for health and safety. Students are encouraged to wash hands upon arrival.

Studio E2 @ House of Musical Traditions
7010 Westmoreland Avenue
Takoma Park, MD 20912

$125 for 4 sessions

Takoma Park Folk Festival

“Regroovinate” at the 2022 Takoma Park Folk Festival!
Sunday, September 11

Having trouble getting your groove back? Put Pandemic shutdowns in the rear-view mirror and “regroovinate” at this year’s Takoma Park Folk Festival. The all-outdoor festival will be held at Takoma Park Middle School on Sunday, September 11 from 10-7.

Enjoy great entertainment, family activities, food, and crafts, and reconnect with friends and neighbors. Visit the Takoma Park Folk Festival website, tpff.org.

Carpe Diem! In-Person Community Sing!

Come together for Carpe Diem Arts’ monthly Community Sing! We will connect with community and find strength in song!

Please join us on August 21 for a joyful evening of singing at the Takoma Park Gazebo! Munit & z Lovebugs will be our wonderful songleaders. Plus, bring your own ukulele for a jam at the end of the evening!

Please invite your family, friends and neighbors to share in the festivities! We hope to see you there!

This event is FREE

More info: CarpeDiemArts.org/community-sing or 301-466-0183

Carpe Diem Community Sing

All are invited to gather for a community sing as we celebrate the Summer Solstice, Caribbean-American Heritage Month, Juneteenth, Pride Month, Father’s Day and more! With a surprise line-up of artists!

From 5:30-6:30pm, bring your own picnic!
From 6:30-8:00pm, we will sing!

Welcoming all ages. Please exercise COVID precautions.

Donations are welcome and appreciated!

International Music Day : Gypsy Jazz at the Gazebo!!!

In honor of International Music Day we will be playing music that originated in India, migrated to Europe and is now performed Worldwide, most famously played by Django Rheinhart! Stringed and accordianed instruments!!! FREE!!!
Old Town Gazebo

Beginner Ukulele with Maureen Andary

Learn uke basics with classic pop by Carole King, The Beatles, Katy Perry, & More! Come prepared with C, F, G7, & Am chords and we’ll work our way to songs with D, Em, E7, A, G, & F#m, learning strumming technique along the way. Maureen will guide with targeted drills and introduce rhythmic concepts to help you reach the next level of your ukulele journey. Enjoy the ride!

Can’t make a class? Don’t worry! All classes will be recorded and shared to google drive!

$125 for 4 sessions

Beginner Ukulele with Maureen Andary

Learn uke basics with classic pop by Carole King, The Beatles, Katy Perry, & More! Come prepared with C, F, G7, & Am chords and we’ll work our way to songs with D, Em, E7, A, G, & F#m, learning strumming technique along the way. Maureen will guide with targeted drills and introduce rhythmic concepts to help you reach the next level of your ukulele journey. Enjoy the ride!

Can’t make a class? Don’t worry! All classes will be recorded and shared to google drive!

$125 for 4 sessions

Beginner Ukulele with Maureen Andary

Learn uke basics with classic pop by Carole King, The Beatles, Katy Perry, & More! Come prepared with C, F, G7, & Am chords and we’ll work our way to songs with D, Em, E7, A, G, & F#m, learning strumming technique along the way. Maureen will guide with targeted drills and introduce rhythmic concepts to help you reach the next level of your ukulele journey. Enjoy the ride!

Can’t make a class? Don’t worry! All classes will be recorded and shared to google drive!

$125 for 4 sessions

Beginner Ukulele with Maureen Andary

Learn uke basics with classic pop by Carole King, The Beatles, Katy Perry, & More! Come prepared with C, F, G7, & Am chords and we’ll work our way to songs with D, Em, E7, A, G, & F#m, learning strumming technique along the way. Maureen will guide with targeted drills and introduce rhythmic concepts to help you reach the next level of your ukulele journey. Enjoy the ride!

Can’t make a class? Don’t worry! All classes will be recorded and shared to google drive!

$125 for 4 sessions

Intermediate Ukulele: Riffs & Right Hand Magic with Maureen Andary

Enjoy Maureen’s arrangements of classic pop rock by musicians like Joan Jett, Creedence Clearwater Revival, & The Beatles. We’ll dive deep into intermediate strumming and finger-picking techniques, doing exercises tailored to each song. This class will also include short licks and riffs to give your playing some sparkly magic!

Can’t make a class? Don’t worry! All classes will be recorded and shared to google drive!

$125 for 4 sessions