The Takoma Park Gazebo, at 7035 Carroll Avenue, is part of Takoma Urban Park and owned by the Montgomery County Park’s system. The use of the Gazebo officially requires a park permit HERE, but the Takoma Park community has enjoyed a long tradition of musicians just dropping by and performing.

Performances have increased as people enjoy more time outside. If you would like to perform at the Gazebo, we suggest the following:

(1) Check our calendar HERE to see if anyone else is performing. This is not the official system of record for the Gazebo, but our attempt to prevent overlapping performances.

(2) Enter your performance info in the calendar HERE so that others know when you plan to use the Gazebo. (Note: it will not appear immediately, but will be published soon thereafter).

(3) When you perform, please keep volume levels in check and be respectful of neighbors – your performance is taking place next to residential streets.